WHAT'S NEWCarl Lee returns to SCHS as Football Coach!Carl Lee is returning to South Charleston High School as their football coach! We're planning getting some classmates together for the SCHS-GW game to show our support.The game will be on Friday evening, September 23, 2022. We'll plan to gather together with Carl at noon on Saturday, September 24, 2022 at the Adelphia Sports Bar & Grille at 218 Capitol St, Charleston. Tickets for the game are available through the GoFan app (Apple devices) or at (Android devices). Please come out to support Carl Lee and welcome him back to South Charleston High School!
We're on Facebook!Our class now has a page on Facebook. You can visit it at:
YearbooksThe Class of '79 Yearbook is now available on-line. You may also order reprints. Our sophomore and junior yearbooks are also available here.
Class RingsIf you still haven't ordered your SCHS Class of 1979 class ring (or if you lost your original ring), it's not too late to order one! Just go to the Josten's Web site, enter South Charleston High School as your school, then search for rings under class jewelry. The default ring seems to be the Tribute (A11) for men, and the Royale (A12) for women. It's possible to come pretty close to the original design; see these images:
SCHS Alumni Web SiteFebruary 16, 2006. The SCHS Alumni Association has started a Web site at . Be sure to check out their site as it develops.
Lost ClassmatesAnd, as always, please check out the "Lost Eagles" link, to see if you can help locate any of our missing classmates. And be sure to let us know if your address, e-mail, or other contact infomation changes. Our goal is to find ALL of our classmates by the 30th reunion.
Class Yahoo GroupRobin Madgwick Ilardi has created a Yahoo group for our class. The main feature of the group is a kind of message bulletin board that has really been a lot of fun. Many of us have posted photos there (including some reunion photos), and there's also a brief classmate database there, in case you're curious about what people are doing with their lives these days.To get to the Yahoo group, click on the Addresses link to the left; there's a link to it in the classmates-only area. If you're a classmate, come to the Yahoo group and join us! (It's free!)
Listen to our School Song!A recording of our school song ("SCHS Alma Mater") is now available, via a link from the "Fun Stuff" page. Click here to hear it. You'll also find a copy of the sheet music that David Benning has created for us.
Contact InformationWe may be contacted at the e-mail addresses below.